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ADHD and Anxiety: How to Manage Both Conditions

While ADHD is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, anxiety is characterized by persistent and excessive worry or fear. Managing both conditions can be challenging, but it’s important to understand the relationship between them to manage symptoms and improve overall mental health effectively. In this article, we will explore the connection between ADHD and anxiety and offer tips for managing both conditions.

The Connection Between ADHD and Anxiety

ADHD and anxiety often co-occur in individuals, with up to 50% of individuals with ADHD also experiencing symptoms of anxiety. The relationship between ADHD and anxiety is complex, and it’s not entirely clear which condition comes first. However, it’s likely that the two conditions interact with each other and that symptoms of one condition can exacerbate symptoms of the other.

For example, individuals with ADHD may experience anxiety as a result of their symptoms, such as difficulty with executive functioning, time management, and organization. On the other hand, individuals with anxiety may experience symptoms of ADHD, such as difficulty with focus and concentration, as a result of their constant worry or fear.

Managing ADHD and Anxiety

Managing both ADHD and anxiety can be challenging, but several strategies can be effective in improving overall mental health. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Talk to a healthcare professional. If you are experiencing symptoms of ADHD or anxiety, it’s essential to talk to a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Depending on your needs, treatment may include medication, therapy, or a combination of both.
  2. Develop a routine. Developing a consistent routine can help individuals with ADHD and anxiety feel more organized and in control. This could include scheduling specific times for work, exercise, and relaxation and a consistent sleep schedule. It can also be helpful to use tools like planners, reminders, and alarms to stay on track with tasks and activities.
  3. Practice relaxation techniques. Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve overall mental health. These techniques can also help individuals with ADHD to calm their minds and improve their focus and concentration.
  4. Exercise regularly. Exercise is effective in reducing symptoms of both ADHD and anxiety. Regular exercise can help improve focus and concentration, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost overall mood. Choosing an exercise you enjoy and can stick to long-term is important, such as walking, running, swimming, or yoga.
  5. Reduce caffeine and sugar intake. Both caffeine and sugar can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and ADHD. Reducing intake of these substances can help improve overall mental health. It’s important to be mindful of hidden sources of caffeine and sugar in foods and drinks, such as energy drinks, soda, chocolate, and processed foods.
  6. Seek support from family and friends. Having a solid support network can help manage both ADHD and anxiety. Friends and family members can provide encouragement and support and may be able to help with daily tasks and responsibilities. It can also be helpful to connect with others with similar experiences, such as through support groups or online forums.
  7. Consider therapy. Therapy can help manage symptoms of both ADHD and anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that effectively reduces symptoms of both conditions. CBT focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors and developing coping skills to manage symptoms.
  8. Practice self-care. Taking time for self-care activities that promote relaxation and stress relief is important. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or engaging in a hobby you enjoy. Self-care activities can help reduce symptoms of both ADHD and anxiety and improve overall mental health.
  9. Use technology to your advantage. There are many apps and tools available that can help individuals with ADHD and anxiety manage their symptoms. For example, apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided meditation and relaxation exercises, while tools like Trello and Evernote can help with organization and task management.
  10. Build a strong support network. Building a solid support network of friends, family members, and healthcare professionals can be invaluable for managing both ADHD and anxiety. It’s important to communicate openly with your support network about your symptoms and needs and to ask for help when needed.


ADHD and anxiety are two common mental health conditions that can co-occur in individuals. While managing both conditions can be challenging, several strategies can effectively improve overall mental health. By talking to a healthcare professional, developing a routine, practicing relaxation techniques, exercising regularly, reducing caffeine and sugar intake, seeking support from family and friends, considering therapy, practicing self-care, using technology to your advantage, and building a strong support network, individuals with ADHD and anxiety can improve their quality of life and achieve better overall mental health. If you are experiencing symptoms of ADHD or anxiety, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.


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