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Does Xanax Help With Tooth Pain?

svgFebruary 26, 2024AnxietyLifeNator Editor

As a benzodiazepine, Xanax works by making neurotransmitters in the brain work better, which has a calming effect. It’s mostly prescribed to help people with anxiety and panic disorders feel better by calming down brain activity that is too high. Even though its main effect isn’t to relieve pain, knowing how it works is important for figuring out how it can help with conditions like tooth pain, where anxiety can make pain feel worse. Below we will discuss will Xanax help tooth pain.

 Can Xanax Directly Ease Tooth Pain?

Xanax does not treat toothaches. It does not target the nerve pathways that causes inflammation or pain in the teeth.

 How Does Stress Affect Tooth Pain?

Teeth grinding such as clenching of teeth that usually happens during sleep due to stress and anxiety. People with anxiety disorder are the victims of teeth grinding which includes includes dental pain. Anxiety and stress can make muscles, including the jaw, more tense, which can make tooth pain or discomfort. Although medications, like Xanax, may make dental pain less stressful by lowering anxiety. However, benzodiazepines are unable to treat the physical cause of the pain.

What Could Go Wrong if I Take Xanax for Tooth Pain?

Using Xanax to treat tooth pain comes with risks, such as becoming dependent on it, building up a tolerance, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms after a long time of use. Because they can lead to addiction, benzodiazepines are usually only given for short periods of time to help with anxiety symptoms. Also, taking Xanax for tooth pain without treating the underlying cause can make dental problems worse.

Are There Better Ways to Deal With Tooth Pain?

Doctors or physicians prescribe over-the counter pain killers such as ibuprofen, or acetaminophen to reduce the toothache pain but these medications in case of tooth pain, but these medications are prescribed only for short-term relief. Certain dental surgeries like root canal may be required to treat infections or serious dental problems. Talking to a dentist is important for figuring out the best way to treat the problem.

How Should Someone Deal With Anxiety Caused by Dental Pain?

Talking to a healthcare provider about ways to deal with anxiety is very important for people who are very anxious about dental pain or procedures. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), relaxation techniques and or short-term usage of anti-anxiety drugs under weekly psychiatrist follow ups may all be the suggested options. Dental professionals can also make adjustments to help make visits less stressful.

What Do You Think About Using Xanax to Treat Tooth Pain?

Xanax can indirectly ease the pain of toothaches by lowering anxiety, but it is not a good idea or an effective way to treat the pain itself. It should only be used for what it was made for, with the help of a healthcare provider.

What We Concluded from Above?

For that reason, Xanax might help with the anxiety that can make tooth pain seem worse, but it is not a replacement for specific dental care or pain management techniques. Taking care of both the physical and emotional aspects of dental pain is important for complete care. This shows how important it is to talk to dental and medical professionals to create a good, all-around treatment plan. Now you have the knowledge will Xanax help tooth pain or its just myth only.



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